4 Jun 2012

Four friends in high places

IMG_4282John, Bill, Marcus and April are four mountaineers who left their jobs and moved to Janacona only to climb mountains and live their life on the edge.

- Ordinary life was nothing for me, John explains.

During the next five months the mountaineers will arrange courses and hikes up to the mountains for tourists. This project is sponsored by the city and hopefully will bring more visitors to Janacona.

- Anyone can join our hikes and courses. We have courses and hikes for families, children and for the more experienced too, says April and smiles.

The courses are not expensive because we want to inspire more people to start experience the beauty of nature through climbing and hiking, April continues.

No matter if you are young or old, novice or experienced in hiking and climbing, do not miss out on this extra ordinary experience.IMG_4293

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